What is Laptop (Notebook) ?

A laptop is a personal computer for mobile use and small and light enough to sit on his lap, while the use designed. A laptop integrates the typical elements of a computer, including monitor, keyboard, pointing device (a touchpad, also known as a trackpad, and / or a pointer), speaker, and often a battery in a single device small and light. The rechargeable battery (if present) is from an AC adapter and stores energy normally be sufficient to power the laptop for two to three hours in its original state, depending on the configuration and management, applied in computer performance.

What is CPU ?

The Central Processing Unit (CPU) or processor is part of a computer system that executes instructions of a computer is, and is the most important element of implementing computer functions.

What is LCD Monitor ?

A display thin film transistor liquid crystal display (TFT-LCD) is a variant of Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) and thin-film transistors (TFT) technology used to improve image quality (eg, d 'directivity) contrast. TFT LCD is a type of active matrix LCD, though LCDs are all based on TFT active-matrix addressing. TFT-LCD display is in televisions, computer monitors, cell phones and computers, video game systems, handhelds, PDAs, navigation systems, projectors, etc.

What is ADSL Modem ?

ADSL modem or a DSL modem is a device used on a single computer or router to a DSL phone line to connect to a broadband service. As with other modems, it is a type of transceiver. It is also a DSL or ATU-R transceiver. The abbreviation NTBBA (Network Termination broadband adapter, broadband access network termination) is also common in some countries.

Some ADSL modems also manage the connection and sharing of ADSL services with a group of machines, in this case the unit as a DSL router or residential gateway. ADSL routers have a function block, holding the frame, while other functional blocks of asynchronous transfer mode segmentation and reassembly, perform IEEE 802.1D bridging and / or IP routing. Typical user interfaces are Ethernet and USB. Although an ADSL modem to work like a bridge does not need any IP address, it is assigned to one Brus for the administration.

What is Switch (Network Switch) ?

A network switch is a device that combines many small computers in a Local Area Network (LAN). Technically, network switches operate at layer two (data link layer) of the OSI model.

Network switches appear nearly identical to network hubs, but a change of control for more information (and a slightly higher price tag) than a hub. Unlike hubs, switches whose test data packets as they are received to determine the source and destination device for each packet, and forwarding them accordingly. By only to save the messages to the device connected to a network switch, network bandwidth and offers generally better performance than a hub.

What is LAN ?

A Local Area Network (LAN) consists of two or more computers connected in a building or at home with software and hardware. A LAN is a Wide Area Network (WAN), such as the Internet, contrary to a wide geographical area. In a LAN, it is a mainframe or a server and remote computers known as clients. By creating a local network at home or office computer on the LAN files, resources, and can, if desired, an Internet connection.

What is Network Card ?

A Network Interface Card (NIC) or Network Card is an expansion card that installs into a computer and allows your computer physically connected to a LAN.

What is Router ?

In the packet network like the Internet, a router, a device or in some cases, software in a computer, network, next to a packet should be forwarded to their intended destination. The router is connected to at least two networks and decides which way to send each packet of information on the latest findings on the state of networks connected to them. A router is located at each gate (where one network meets another), including each point of presence on the Internet. A router is often part of a network switch included.

What is Server ?

1) When calculating a server is a computer program which provides services for other software (and their users) in the same or other computers is available.

2) The computer, a server program is running often referred to as a server (although it will be used for other purposes, too).

3) In the client / server programming, server is a program, and expects a response to requests from client programs in the same or other computers. A specific application in a computer can function as a customer with service requests from other programs as well as server requests from other programs.

Specific on the Internet, a Web server is a computer program (housed in a computer), the HTML pages or files you requested is used. A Web client is looking for a program associated with the user. The Web browser on your computer is a client that requests HTML files from Web servers.

What is Network ?

A network consisting of two or more computers that share resources are connected (such as printers and CD) are, share files, or allow electronic communications. The computers on a network in May will be by cable, telephone lines, radio waves, satellites, or beams of infrared light to be connected.

The two main types of networks include:

  • Local Area Network (LAN)
  • Wide Area Network (WAN)

Advantages of Installing a Network

1. Speed
Networks provide a very fast method for the exchange and transfer of files. Without a network, the files by dragging them on memory cards or disks, then take or send the disks from one computer to another split. This method of transferring files (as sneaker-net "called) can be very long.
2. Cost
Network versions of many popular software programs are substantial savings compared to buying individually licensed copies available.
3. Security
The files and programs on a network as a means to prevent "copy" are so that you do not make the illegal copying of programs. Moreover, passwords for certain directories can be created to restrict access to authorized users.
4. Centralized management software
One of the biggest advantages for the establishment of a network at school is that all software can be downloaded to a computer (file server). This eliminates the need for time and energy installing updates and tracking files on independent computers throughout the building.
5. Sharing of resources
Sharing resources is another advantage of the educational networks. The Most schools are unable to afford enough laser printers, fax machines, modems, scanners, CD players and for every computer. However, if these or similar peripherals are added to a network, they can be shared by several users.
6. E-mail
The presence of a network provides the hardware for a system of e-mail to install. E-mail communication aids personal and professional school for all staff and facilitate the dissemination of general information for school personnel. E-mail to a LAN to enable the students to communicate with teachers and colleagues in their own school. If the LAN is connected to the Internet, students can communicate with others around the world.
7. A flexible approach
Nnetworks allow students to access their files from computers in the school. Students may begin a task in their classroom, save part of it on a publicly accessible area network, then proceed to complete the Media Center after school work. Students can also work on the network.
8. Workgroup Computing
Collaborative Software allows multiple users to work on a paper or project at the same time. For example may serve to help educators in different schools in a community whilst helping their ideas for new curriculum for the same document, spreadsheet or website.